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Multi-award winning songwriter Maria Daines sings to save kangaroos  

A limited and exclusive edition CD has been created to help raise funds for the campaign to have kangaroo products banned across the EU. Find out how to purchase your copy by clicking here.

Maria Daines (pictured), the multi-award winning international vocalist and songwriter, is the latest person to join the European Union (EU) campaign to have kangaroo products banned from Europe.  


In support of the plight of kangaroos and with the support of World League committee member Dr Teresa Buss-Carden, Maria has written and recorded a new song highlighting the horrendous way these incredible animals are treated in their native country.


Maria recently said “Ending the trade in kangaroo products would end an immense amount of suffering for these amazing and beautiful creatures. When I found out what was happening to the kangaroo I shed a tear and knew I must voice my distress and concern by writing a song. My guitarist and producer Paul Killington is equally appalled by the slaughter of the kangaroo and together we hope we can raise the profile of the campaign by sharing a musical message that shows we care and we want this killing stopped.”


Maria is no stranger to speaking out against the cruelty towards animals. She supported US artist Pink at Cardiff International Arena for the Party For Animals World Wide in August 2007, and helped raise £90,000 for animal welfare charities.


Ms Daines said "Some months ago we were asked to write a song regarding the plight of the kangaroo. Teresa, an animal advocate in Australia, tracked us down in desperation after hearing our interview with Sue Marchant at BBC Radio Cambridge. Teresa wrote to tell us of the horrific slaughter of millions of kangaroos each and every year. We could not ignore Teresa's letter.  Her plea to end the killing of the kangaroo was heartfelt and compelled us to do something to help these beautiful creatures.”


Dr Teresa Buss-Carden said "I am thrilled that Maria Daines has lent her powerful voice in support of the (baby kangaroos) 440,000 joeys EU campaign. Her song, Killing your own, reflects the unspeakable tragedy which occurs every night in Australia. By accepting the slaughter of defenceless, innocent joeys we also are killing our own feelings of tenderness, compassion and care for vulnerable beings of all species, including our own.”


Working with the World League Dr. Buss-Carden has been actively trying to put an end to the largest slaughter of land-based wildlife on the planet. The commercial industry kills millions of adult kangaroos each year but they also kill approximately 440,000 dependent at-foot joeys who are orphaned when their mothers are shot and who die from starvation or predation. A similar number of in-pouch joeys are killed by decapitation or by bashing against a hard object.


After signing the petition to ban kangaroo products from the EU, Maria said: "We hope many more people will also sign the petition and be a voice for the defenceless who are depending on us to help them survive. We must ask ourselves will the amazing kangaroo, the icon and emblem of Australia, become another victim of mankind's wish to kill everything that lives wild and free?


The campaign to have all kangaroo products banned from EU member states, has gained momentum since being launched. Well known celebrities are signing up to add their voices to stop this cruel trade. Australia is shamed by the cynical killing of joeys who are the cruel "by-product" of the exploitation of their country’s icon.


All members are encouraged to sign the petition at


Maria Daines’ powerful song ‘Killing your own’ is available for purchase and all profits from the sale of the cd go to WLPA’s kangaroo campaign.


Payment options

Maria Daines’ CD ‘Killing Your Own’ can be purchased for $20 including postage and handling. The following payment options are available:

  • Posting credit card details/cheque/money order made out to ‘World League for Protection of Animals Inc’ to PO Box 211, Gladesville 2111 (please enclose Order Form with payment)
  • Payment by credit card over the phone by calling our office on (02) 9817 4892.
  • Direct deposit payments* can be made to our account, the details of which are as follows:

Account name: World League for Protection of Animals

Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia

BSB: 062171

Account number: 10018612


*If paying by direct deposit, please send email confirmation of payment to including name, postal address and nature of payment.


Once the payment is processed we will forward a tax deductible receipt to your nominated postal address.


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